Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

Long Beach and  venice,Italy are both known as cities on the sea. For more than thirty years, Long Beach has had strong ties with Venice through the U.S. Gondola racing team. The team participates in the Vogalonga rowing regatta in Venice annually and has helped establish a partnership with a rowing club that will take part in a lagoon environment program in Venice. In May 2017, the group formalized our friendly relationship with Venice through a Festa della Sensa, a traditional Venetian ceremony marrying the city to the sea

The U.S. Gondola racing team from Long Beach participates in the annual Vongalonga rowing regatta. While in Venice recently, the group met with the Mayor, Vice Mayor and head of Tourism, where they discussed the shared challenges of both waterfornt cities. The Venice Friendship city committe worked with California State University, Long Beach, to initiate an educational exchange program, Sending a representative to Venice to discuss the relationship and type of programs offered with Foscari University. The group has begun to raise money to help four boats from Venice establish a “sister” rowing program in Long Beach.